
Blog Update | Self Portaits

I hope those of you who have been reading my blog haven't minded all of the design changes. I'm a bit schizophrenic when it comes to nailing down a specific design/color scheme and I'm still working out all of the bugs so to speak. I must say that I love how Blogger has made it easier to customize the backgrounds, layout, header images and text with it's "template designer" feature. I remember last year trying to code HTML so that my images would appear bigger and what a pain that was. Kudos to those who do that for a living - I certainly lack the patience for it!

Yesterday I played around with the camera a bit in an attempt to take a few self portraits for my website and blog (this was a lot harder than it looks). It's been forever since I've had a portrait taken and thought it was about time to take one of my own so that people might actually know what I look like. I don't know if that makes a difference or not, but I thought it might be fun. So after several failed attempts at a serious self portrait I just started to get silly (my cat was thrilled). I like the candid playfulness you get from a "photo booth" and being a fairly animated person I think this probably represents me better than a single serious shot - I don't take myself that seriously anyway. What do you think - is it important to know what your photographer looks like? Do you feel more connected to them?

Give me a shout and let me know what you think!

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